Steve Nash Fitness World (Freeman) Class Action
Jun 18, 2020
Update: June 18, 2020
On behalf of the class members we opposed SNFW’s application for extension to file a proposal. We opposed on two main grounds. First, because SNFW readily admitted they were likely not going to file a proposal, there was no point in granting an extension. Second, we argued that the termination of employees on the eve of filing was a strategic measure undertaken to undermine the rights of employees to the benefit of SNFW. Justice Fitzpatrick did not accept either of our arguments and granted an extension.
The order, issued after Justice Fitzpatrick’s oral reasons, can be found here
Once the extension expires, SNFW will automatically be assigned into bankruptcy. At that point, the former employees (whether or not they are rehired) can apply for their claim under WEPPA.
Update: April 24, 2020
Today, April 24, we appeared at a telephone conference for an application before the BC Supreme Court.
SNFW sought two specific orders. First, it sought to extend the initial statutory stay until June 17, 2020. Second, SNFW was seeking and order approving a sales process, attached as schedule “B” to that application.
We sought an adjournment of the application for one week to make more fulsome submissions on the application. Our adjournment request was denied and the application was granted as proposed.
One important point that may affect employees, is that prospective purchasers will be encouraged to commit through the approved sales process to offer reemployment to those employees who were terminated by SNFW.
Stay tuned for further updates through the sales process.
Previous update: April 17th, 2020
We extend our deepest sympathies over the sad news that SNFW has terminated all of its team members through a mass email on March 24, 2020. Like many SNFW employees, we have been stunned over this sudden decision.
We understand you may be wondering where this mass termination leaves our current class action. As many of you already know SNFW has filed a notice of intention to make a proposal. That notice has stayed both of our class actions against SNFW. Please continue to monitor our website for updates and additions to our FAQ post.