British Columbia Teachers’ Federation v. British Columbia, 2014 BCSC 121
Aug 17, 2021
Following a 2011 victory for teachers finding that the B.C. government had unjustifiably breached teachers constitutionally protected freedom of association by stripping their contract and prohibiting bargaining with respect important working conditions, the Court had given the B.C. government 12 months to address the repercussions of that decision. When the Government failed to act within the 12 months and then passed legislation essentially identical to that found unconstitutional in 2011, the Court ordered a return of the deleted language to the collective agreement and awarded $2 million in Charter damages, the highest such award in Canadian history.
John Rogers and Steven Rogers represented the BCTF in this important victory for B.C. teachers and all Canadian workers, along with Diane MacDonald, in-house counsel for the BCTF.